RMF2010 Abstracts

Session: 21 - Tuesday 6th July PM (14.00 - 17.30)

Title: Methodological innovation II

Name: Nigel Gilbert

Affiliation: NCRM SIMIAN node

Abstract Details

Session 21 will comprise presentations by experts working on innovative methodologies from around the world. The presenters are among those whose work was highlighted in the project "Innovations in social science research methods: an international perspective". In this session the focus will be on ethnographic and web-based methodologies and survey methods such as using virtual interviewers, conducting online and participatory ethnography. The presenters will set out the contexts in which their innovations were developed to promote broader discussion on methodological innovation and the factors that facilitate or impede it.

Presentation downloads

Presenter: Chris Darrouzet

Water Cooler Logic: Participatory Ethnography & Design

Presentation details


Start time: 14:00

Presentation title: Introductions

Author: Nigel Gilbert

Affiliation:NCRM SIMIAN node


Start time: 14:10

Presentation title:Virtual Humans as Survey Interviewers

Author:Fred Conrad

Affiliation:University of Michigan


Start time: 14:50

Presentation title:Netnography: Ethnographic Research Online

Author:Robert Kozinets

Affiliation:York University (Canada)


Start time: 15:30

Presentation title:Coffee Break




Start time: 16:00

Presentation title:Participatory Ethnography and Design in Larger Scale Organizations-the Water Cooler Logic Approach and Process

Author:Chris Darrouzet and Helga Wild

Affiliation:Water Cooler Logic


Start time: 16:40

Presentation title:Discussion

