RMF2010 Abstracts

Session: 16 - Tuesday 6th July AM (9.15 - 12.45)

Title: School effectiveness

Name: Anna Vignoles

Affiliation: NCRM ADMIN node

Abstract Details

In the UK, School League Tables are used extensively as one of the key measures of school effectiveness. However it has been widely recognised that there are problems with some of these measures. The UK government recently introduced a new measure of school effectiveness (Contextualised Value Added (CVA)), which adjusts schools' expected performance to take account not only of pupil prior attainment but also some other pupil and school characteristics. This session follows Monday's joint ADMIN, LEMMA, CEMMAP event covering methodological issues around the measurement of value added, school performance and use of school league tables.

Presentation details


Start time: 09:15

Presentation title: Overview of issues around measuring school effectiveness with league tables - summarising the previous day's events

Author: Lorraine Dearden and Alfonso Miranda

Affiliation:ADMIN, Institute of Education


Start time: 09:55

Presentation title:Key methodological challenges in school effectiveness

Author:John Fletcher, Herb Marsh and Benjamin Nagengast

Affiliation:University of Oxford


Start time: 11:15

Presentation title:The way forward with measuring school performance

Author:Jeff Smith

Affiliation:University of Michigan


Start time: 11:40

Presentation title:The way forward with measuring value added in schools

Author:Flavio Cunha

Affiliation:University of Pennsylvania