RMF2010 Abstracts

Session: 03 - Monday 5th July PM (15.30 - 17.30)

Title: Engaging young people as researchers

Name: Carol McNaughton Nicholls

Affiliation: Natcen

Abstract Details

Increasingly research funders, including ESRC, are encouraging an element of user involvement in research. As with all participative research, young people may be involved in projects at different stages and at different levels. Involving young people may also present unique challenges and benefits to a research team and the degree which young people are involved differs depending on the nature of the research, resources available and theoretical drivers behind such engagement. This workshop provides a practical and theoretical overview on the benefits and challenges of engaging young people in the research process and consists of two papers and a discussion.

Presentation downloads

Presenter: C C McNaughton Nicholls

Engaging young people as researchers

Presentation details


Start time: 15:30

Presentation title: Theoretical drivers for engaging young people

Author: Louca-Mai Brady

Affiliation:National Children's Bureau and member of INVOLVE


Start time: 16:00

Presentation title:How to engage young people as researchers? Practial examples and considerations

Author:Carol McNaughton Nicholls and Louca-Mai Brady

Affiliation:National Centre for Social Research


Start time: 16:30

Presentation title:Ethics, rights and limitations

Author:Louca-Mai Brady and Carol McNaughton Nicholls

Affiliation:National Children's Bureau (NCB) and member of INVOLVE.


Start time: 17:00

Presentation title:Discussion session

Author:Naomi Jones

Affiliation:National Centre for Social Research