STOP ******************************************************************************** *** NCRM ONLINE RESOURCE *** PRODUCING AUTOMATED PUBLICATION OUTPUTS **# PART 2: TABLES OF UNIVARIATE DESCRIPTIVE STATISTICS /* This file introduces code to produce tables of univariate descriptive statistics (e.g. frequency, percentage, mean etc.). These simple descriptive tables often appear as the first table in social science reports and publications. Examples are provided using the collect commands, the estout commands, and the asdoc command. */ ******************************************************************************** **# Set-Up clear all version 17 /* Open the nhanes2b dataset These data are from a US health survey, the National Health and Nutrition Survey. */ webuse nhanes2b, clear numlabel, add * Set svy (for complex survey design) svyset psuid [pweight=finalwgt], strata(stratid) * Examine some variables tab1 sex rural agegrp diabetes summ height weight * Keep complete cases keep if !missing(sex, rural, agegrp, height, weight, heartatk) count ******************************************************************************** **# The collect commands /* The collect commands are built in Stata commands which are new to Stata 17. The collect commands allow you to store results from Stata commands in the form of 'collections' and to format collections of results. You can then format tables from these collections and output them to Word (or other formats). You can read about the collect commands in the Stata Customizable Tables and Collected Results Reference Manual: You can also view the collect command documentation using the 'help' command. */ help collect * We start by clearing any collections of results from Stata's memory collect clear /* Here is a table of univariate descriptive statistics for some categorical variables. We first use the table command to provide a table of frequencies and percentages for some categorical variables. The table command will create a 'collection' of results. The basic code for the table command is: table (rowvars) (columnvars) We only require rowvars as this is a table of univariable descriptive statistics so we can leave the columnvars brackets empty. We could leave these brackets out, but we include them here for clarity. */ table (var) (), statistic(fvfrequency sex agegrp rural) /// statistic(fvpercent sex agegrp rural) /* Here is a table of univariate descriptive statistics for some continuous variables. We use the table command to provide a table of mean and standard deviation. */ table (var) (), statistic(mean height weight) /// statistic(sd height weight) /* We could combine these two tables to make a table of appropriate descriptive statistics for both categorical and continuous variables. */ table (var) (), statistic(fvfrequency sex agegrp rural) /// statistic(fvpercent sex agegrp rural) /// statistic(mean height weight) /// statistic(sd height weight) /* Now we can improve the format of this table using a number of collect commands. Compare the old and new tables to understand what each of these commands is doing. Remember you can also see further details of each command using the help files. We reorganise the column structure of this table. */ help collect remap collect remap result[fvfrequency mean] = Col[1 1] collect remap result[fvpercent sd] = Col[2 2] * We name the stored results Mean and SD in the collection. help collect get collect get resname = "Mean", tag(Col[1] var[mylabel]) collect get resname = "SD", tag(Col[2] var[mylabel]) * We collect an empty result to create a blank row in the table. collect get empty = " ", tag(Col[1] var[empty]) collect get empty = " ", tag(Col[2] var[empty]) * We collect the sample size from the 'count' command. count collect get n = `r(N)', tag(Col[2] var[n]) /* We specify the order of the contents of our table. We want the categorical variables, then an empty row before the continuous variables, and an empty row before the count so we specify this order. */ help collect layout collect layout (var[ /// 1.agegrp 2.agegrp 3.agegrp /// 4.agegrp 5.agegrp 6.agegrp /// 0.rural 1.rural //// empty mylabel /// weight height /// empty n]) (Col[1 2]) * We label the columns for the categorical variable (n and %). help collect label collect label levels Col 1 "n" 2 "%" * We drop the title column help collect style collect style header Col, title(hide) * We hide the variable names for the empty row collect style header var[empty mylabel], level(hide) collect style row stack, nobinder /* We edit the numerical formats of the numbers shown (i.e. number of decimal places). */ collect style cell var[sex agegrp rural]#Col[1], nformat(%6.0fc) collect style cell var[sex agegrp rural]#Col[2], nformat(%6.2f) sformat("%s%%") collect style cell var[weight height], nformat(%6.2f) * We remove border above row-header and results collect style cell border_block[item row-header], border(top, pattern(nil)) * We add a title to the table help collect title collect title "Table 1: Descriptive Statistics" * We add a note to the table help collect note collect note "Data Source: nhanes2b" * Let's take a look at the table now... help collect preview collect preview * Now you can export your finished table to Word help collect export collect export "table.docx", replace /* We can also use the collect commands to produce a table of svy adjusted descriptives statistics when using complex survey data. Here we use the 'prop' command instead of fvfrequency and fvpercent as this command works with svy. We produce a table of unajusted and adjusted descriptive statistics. Remember you can view details of what each collect command does using the Stata help files. */ collect clear table () (result), /// command(prop sex, percent) /// command(prop agegrp, percent) /// command(prop rural, percent) /// command(mean weight) /// command(mean height) table () (result), /// command(svy: prop sex, percent) /// command(svy: prop agegrp, percent) /// command(svy: prop rural, percent) /// command(svy: mean weight) /// command(svy: mean height) name(Table) append collect style row stack, nobinder collect style cell result[_r_b]#colname[ c1 c2 /// 1.agegrp 2.agegrp 3.agegrp /// 4.agegrp 5.agegrp 6.agegrp /// 0.rural 1.rural], sformat(%s%%) collect get _r_b = "Mean (SD)", tags(cmdset[1] colname[myvar]) collect get _r_b = "Mean (SD)", tags(cmdset[2] colname[myvar]) collect get freq = "n", tags(cmdset[1] colname[myvar0]) collect get _r_b = "%", tags(cmdset[1] colname[myvar0]) collect get _r_b = "%", tags(cmdset[2] colname[myvar0]) collect get _r_b = " ", tag(cmdset[1] colname[empty]) collect get _r_b = " ", tag(cmdset[2] colname[empty]) count collect get freq = `r(N)', tag(cmdset[1] colname[n]) collect remap result[_r_se] = result[se2], fortags(colname[weight height]) collect style cell result[se2], sformat((%s)) collect composite define meansd = _r_b se2 collect style cell result[meansd], nformat(%6.2f) collect style header colname[myvar], level(hide) collect style header colname[myvar0], level(hide) collect style header colname[empty], level(hide) collect style header result, level(hide) collect label levels cmdset 1 "Unadjusted", modify collect label levels cmdset 2 "Adjusted", modify collect style header cmdset, title(hide) collect title "Table 1: Descriptive Statistics" collect note "Data Source: nhanes2b." collect note "Percentages, mean and standard deviation are adjusted for sample design." collect layout (colname[myvar0 sex agegrp rural empty myvar /// weight height empty n]) /// (result[freq]#cmdset[1] result[meansd]#cmdset) () ******************************************************************************** **# The estout commands /* An alternative command to produce automated tables of descriptive statistics is the esttab command, which is part of the estout suite of commands. These commands were developed by Professor Ben Jann: Jann, Ben (2005): Making regression tables from stored estimates. The Stata Journal 5(3): 288-308. Jann, Ben (2007): Making regression tables simplified. The Stata Journal 7(2): 227-244. This website provides a range of estout examples: To use estout you will need to first install it if you have not done so already. */ ssc install estout help estout * First we clear any stored estimates from Stata's memory estimates clear * We examine the agegrp variable tabulate agegrp /* estpost is a command that is part of the estout suite. It stores the results of descriptive statistic commands to be used by other commands in the estout suite. */ help estpost estpost tabulate agegrp /* We can store these results under the name table1 using. */ help estimates store estimates store table1 /* We can then use the esttab command to output the results. Here we output the frequency (b) and percent (pct) */ esttab table1 using "table.rtf", /// cell(b pct) replace /* We can use the esttab options to change the formatting of the table. */ esttab table1 using "table.rtf", /// cells("b(label(Freq)) pct(f(2) label(%))") /// title("Table 1: Descriptive Statistics") /// addnote("Data Source: nhanes2b.") /// noobs replace /* We could also produce a table of svy adjusted results. */ estpost svy: tabulate agegrp, obs percent estimates store table2 esttab table2 using "table.rtf", /// cells("obs(label(Freq)) b(f(2))") /// title("Descriptive Statistics") /// addnote("Note: Percentages are adjusted for survey design.") /// noobs replace /* We can also output descriptive statistics for continuous variables using esttab. */ summarize height weight estpost summarize height weight estimates store table3 esttab table3 using "table.rtf", replace /// cells("mean sd min max") nomtitle nonumber /* The estout suite of commands can be used to produce various tables of descriptive statistics, including svy adjusted results. For further examples see the detailed help files and the estout webpage: */ ******************************************************************************** **# The asdoc command /* An alternative command to produce automated tables of descriptive statistics is asdoc. These commands were developed by Professor Attaullah Shah: Shah, A. (2018). "asdoc: Create high-quality tables in MS Word from Stata output" This website provides a number of asdoc tutorials: To use asdoc you will need to first install it if you have not done so already. */ ssc install asdoc help asdoc * First we start we clear any stored estimates from Stata's memory estimates clear /* To produce tables with asdoc you simply need to add the asdoc prefix to your code. You can also use the save option to export the table to Word. */ asdoc summarize weight height, save(table.rtf) replace asdoc tabulate sex, save(table.rtf) append asdoc tabulate agegrp, save(table.rtf) append asdoc tabulate rural, save(table.rtf) append /* A limitation of the asdoc command is that is does not work with svy when producing tables of descriptive statistics. Adding the svy prefix to the code above does not produce an error message but the results are not adjusted. For further examples using the asdoc command you can view the very detailed asdoc help files, or the asdoc webpage: */ ******************************************************************************** **# END OF FILE *** Roxanne Connelly, University of Edinburgh