/*============================================================================== NCRM Online learning resource - An Introduction to Factorial Survey Experiments (FSEs) Part III: Data Analysis - Practical examples Date: 25 August 2021 Author of this syntax: Tamara Gutfleisch Data source: The data used for this course is from the EDYPOLU recruiter survey: https://doi.org/10.17605/OSF.IO/ZTB6Y. The data is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License (to view a copy of this license, visit https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/). Data documentation and codebook: Gutfleisch, T., & R. Samuel (2021). EDYPOLU Recruiter Survey. Scientific Use File. Data Documentation. https://doi.org/10.17605/OSF.IO/7BP5E Description of experimental design: The EDYPOLU recruiter survey aimed at examining the impact of certain applicant characteristics on recruiters' hiring intentions. The vignette universe included 36 vignettes (full factorial). The 36 vignettes were divided into 6 vignette sets, each including 6 vignettes using a D-efficent blocking technique. The respondents were randomly assigned to one deckl (mixed design). Three experimental variables were used (gender, unemployment, and nationality). Respondents were identified before data collection, and the experimental set up data included "personalised" vignette sets for each respondent. Relevant variables: Respondent_ID - Respondent ID sector - Occupational field vigid - Vignette ID (ranges from 1 to 36) vigset - Vignette set, individual vignette sets (i.e., with randomised order) deck - initial vignette sets (ranging from 1 to 6) vignr - Vignette position vigeval_1 - Vignette evaluations vgndr - Vignette gender vuetim - Vignette unemployment vnat - Vignette nationality Focus of this course: - Check data quality after data collection - Analysing and interpreting the results More practical examples that cannot be covered by this short introductory course can be found in the supplementary material to the book by Auspurg and Hinz (2015). This supplementary material includes example code of how to construct the vignette sample in SAS, examples of how to prepare the set up data and how to merge the set up and respondent data, and more examples of how to analyse the data. ______________________________ Auspurg, K. and Hinz, T. (2015) Factorial Survey Experiments. Los Angeles: Sage. Supplementary files: https://study.sagepub.com/auspurg_hinz/student-resources/ancillary-materials ==============================================================================*/ capture log close log using "..\Part_III_results.log", replace // save code and results in .txt file clear all set scheme lean1 // set overall look of graphs * @0 Load the data for analysis use "EDYPOLU_survey_SUF.dta", clear /* The data already combines the experimental set up data and the respondent data. */ * @1 Select sample * Keep only one occupational field keep if sector==4 // keep data from the catering sector /* The EDYPOLU recruiter survey covered five occupational fields, which can be considered separate experiments. For the following demonstrations, I therefore focus on just one occupational field. The analyses, however, could also be done in the full data set, but you would need to control for the occupational fields in the regression analysis. */ * @2 Check characteristics of vignette experiment ** Check whether each vignette/vignette set has been evaluated tab deck // frequency of initial vignette sets tab vigid // frequency of vignettes ** Check whether randomsiation of vignette order has worked // Check whether vignette position correlates with vignette ID or vignette sets pwcorr vignr vigid, star(0.05) pwcorr deck vignr, star(0.05) ** Frequencies of levels of each dimension tab vgndr // levels of vignette gender tab vuetim // levels of vignette unemployment tab vnat // levels of vignette nationality ** Bivariate correlations between vignette levels // Generate dummies of all levels of categorical vignette dimensions tab vuetim, gen(vuetim_) // dummies for vignette unemployment tab vnat, gen(vnat_) // dummies for vignette nationality // Test bivariate correlations pwcorr vgndr vuetim_1-vuetim_3 vnat_1-vnat_6 , star(.05) // Pearson's correlation coefficient, indicating statistical significance at the 5% level ** Check distribution of vignette ratings replace vigeval_1=. if vigeval_1==-9 // define missing values tab vigeval_1 // show frequencies hist vigeval_1, d // draw histogram of vignette evaluations * @3 Data analysis ** Ordinary least squared regression with robust clustered standard errors reg vigeval_1 i.vuetim i.vnat vgndr i.vignr, vce(cluster Respondent_ID) ** Multilevel analysis mixed vigeval_1 i.vuetim i.vnat vgndr i.vignr || Respondent_ID: , var // || Respondent_ID indicates that the data is clustered at the respondent level // var indicates that variances should be shown ******************************************************************************** log close exit