00:03 hello everyone 00:04 welcome to this training session on 00:07 advanced gis methods 00:09 and this time we're going to be looking 00:11 at our heart and multi-dimensional 00:13 indices 00:14 and this is part one so there's uh two 00:16 videos to watch this is first one 00:18 where we're looking at the aha data set 00:20 specifically so access to healthy 00:22 assets and hazards i'm dr nick verman 00:26 and i'm run training sessions for the 00:29 the cdrc 00:30 and i'm hosting today and i'm joined by 00:32 uh dr mark green 00:33 from the university of liverpool he's 00:35 going to say a bit about 00:37 our heart and tell us all about it and 00:39 mark and i are going to have a bit of 00:40 discussion 00:41 as we go through wonderful welcome mark 00:44 excellent thanks for having me today and 00:46 hello and welcome to everyone watching 00:47 the video 00:48 i hope you hope you're all staying safe 00:49 wherever you might be today 00:52 okay so 00:56 we'll start with um a little 00:58 presentation 00:59 so nick has kindly asked me to talk 01:02 today and introduce our access to 01:04 healthy assets and hazards 01:06 results otherwise we refer to as aha 01:10 um so what we're going to do is we're 01:13 just going to kind of go through what it 01:15 is 01:15 what it can be used for how it was 01:17 created and we'll talk a little bit 01:19 about some of the strengths and 01:20 weaknesses 01:21 of the resource and and there'll be a 01:23 bit of discussion between me and 01:25 nick over some of these things so let's 01:28 start with what do we mean 01:30 what is aha so a bit of background so 01:33 as part of the consumer data research 01:35 center which is an 01:36 esrc investment and really the 01:40 cdrc was kind of set up to try and open 01:42 up 01:43 data and opportunities to kind of 01:46 connect researchers 01:47 academic researchers to more kind of 01:49 private industry 01:51 consumer firms who have often quite 01:54 impressive or interesting data that 01:56 might have some value to 01:58 public society so this might be things 02:00 like 02:01 loyalty card data it might be more kind 02:03 of 02:04 official records and that we might be 02:07 able to use in different ways 02:09 and to answer some kind of society's 02:12 most pressing problems 02:13 so the cdrc was sort of set up as a 02:15 front to try and 02:18 kind of act as a kind of middle person 02:20 to broker some of these relationships 02:22 and provide data access to some of these 02:24 sensitive 02:25 and useful data sets 02:29 as part of that kind of cdrc project 02:32 what we've also been doing is kind of 02:33 processing some of these data that we 02:35 can't necessarily openly share and 02:37 trying to 02:38 to derive indicators from them or small 02:41 area measures and these are across a 02:43 whole range of topics 02:45 so for example we've been doing a lot of 02:47 work around trying to look at retail 02:49 dynamics looking at 02:50 high street sales looking at high street 02:53 location performances 02:55 there's a whole strand of research 02:57 looking at things around like how do we 02:59 tell individuals ethnicity from their 03:01 names which might be important for 03:04 example in hospitals where they don't 03:06 necessarily know them but they might 03:07 want to know 03:08 differences and inequalities and risk 03:10 and outcomes 03:13 and also there's been a whole suite of 03:15 indicators around kind of health healthy 03:17 environments 03:18 and which is what we're really going to 03:19 talk about today 03:21 so within that kind of health indicators 03:23 team we've been 03:24 developing what we call the aha project 03:27 which is a collaboration between myself 03:30 and professor alex singleton and alec 03:32 davies who are all based in the 03:34 geography department at the university 03:35 of liverpool 03:36 we also have um we also worked with 03:39 costas darris and benbahu in public 03:41 health 03:42 again at the university liverpool and 03:43 we've also had a lot of input from 03:45 public health england 03:47 around designing some of the kind of 03:48 health indicators work that we've been 03:50 doing 03:51 so why was we interested in kind of 03:53 looking at health and particular healthy 03:55 environments 03:58 well for example let's take this 04:00 individual 04:01 now we might be interested in what 04:03 drives this individual's health we might 04:05 talk about their diets their physical 04:06 activity 04:08 but they aren't you know they live in 04:11 the world around them and they don't 04:12 live in some sort of social vacuum they 04:14 interact with the world 04:16 that's around them and that might be 04:18 whether they live in an 04:19 area that has polluting industries that 04:22 might mean that 04:23 air quality is much poorer in their 04:25 environment which might then 04:26 impact on their respiratory health 04:29 it might be that access to health 04:32 services whether that's something more 04:34 formal like gps hospitals and of course 04:37 it might be that and if an individual is 04:39 really far away from their gp they might 04:41 put off going to see them as quickly as 04:43 possible 04:44 because it's just a bit more of a faff 04:46 to get there 04:47 but it could be whether they live in an 04:49 area has lots of gyms leisure services 04:51 that might 04:52 encourage them to be physically active 04:55 and of course it might be linked to the 04:57 retail environment around them it could 04:59 be 04:59 around whether they have healthy food 05:01 that's both accessible 05:03 and affordable around them it might be 05:05 if they live in an area of lots of pubs 05:08 that they're more or less likely to 05:10 drink as well 05:11 and it could be a whole range of things 05:12 around supermarkets casinos 05:16 these environmental influences might 05:18 have an impact on people's behaviors 05:22 but even if this kind of concept around 05:24 how the neighborhood might 05:25 shape and our accessibility to features 05:27 in the neighborhood might shape our 05:29 behaviors 05:30 it's also something that's really 05:31 important to policy makers as well 05:34 in particular modifying environments and 05:36 neighborhoods is something that's really 05:38 important and something that we can 05:40 feasibly do as local and national 05:42 governments 05:43 whether that might be local governments 05:45 restricting the location of new 05:47 fast-food outlets whether it's around 05:49 building more green spaces 05:51 or whether it's about trying to 05:52 understand the equitable accessibility 05:55 to health services for planning 05:57 new location of gps or pharmacies 06:02 so it seems like geographic context the 06:04 neighborhood really matters 06:06 at least might influence our health but 06:08 it also matters for a policy perspective 06:11 but at the same time it's quite tricky 06:13 to get hold of these data often these 06:15 data aren't exactly open 06:16 they might be stored and by data 06:19 providers who don't share it sometimes 06:21 they're stored by local governments who 06:22 just don't talk to each other so you 06:24 don't have a national 06:26 level data set and often these data come 06:28 in really awful formats they just need 06:30 processing 06:31 they need um kind of creating into a 06:34 much more user-friendly concept for them 06:36 to be able to use 06:38 so with those kind of issues in mind we 06:40 set out to try and create 06:42 um kind of the most comprehensive open 06:45 database of small area indicators around 06:47 healthy environments 06:49 health related features of environments 06:51 and making that all openly and freely 06:53 accessible to researchers to the public 06:56 and so they can have start to have a 06:57 look at how their environments are they 06:59 can start to see 07:00 whether there are links to people's 07:02 health health issues in their local 07:04 areas 07:05 and whether there's sort of actionable 07:07 objectives that they can use to push for 07:09 change in these environments 07:12 and then we also set out to try and 07:14 develop a summary index 07:16 and so a multi-dimensional index that 07:18 would summarize all of these features 07:20 and environments at the same time 07:23 and around trying to kind of 07:26 provide something that's a bit more easy 07:28 manageable way of targeting 07:30 maybe unhealthy environments 07:33 and what we ended up with is our kind of 07:35 access to healthy assets and hazards 07:37 resource 07:39 which is hosted on the cdrc platform so 07:42 you can find that on the maps 07:43 platform which we'll come back to a bit 07:45 later in this talk as well as the data 07:47 all being openly accessible on the cdrc 07:49 data server 07:53 so what can it be used for so we have 07:56 quite a range of data and there's a lot 07:58 of data opportunities because we've 08:00 created quite a suite of measures that 08:02 might be useful for different contexts 08:05 in particular if we're interested in 08:06 looking at accessibility 08:08 to certain stores of certain features of 08:11 environments 08:12 that might be a really good way of 08:13 trying to understand what are the 08:15 problems facing our populations 08:17 and so for example on this slide we're 08:19 just looking at 08:20 the median distance so the average 08:22 distance 08:24 of a area or a postcode within an area 08:27 to its nearest pharmacy pub gp 08:30 dentist and what we can see is actually 08:33 most of our population is quite is quite 08:35 accessible to many of these services 08:37 that might be good or bad for their 08:39 health 08:40 so most people are less than one 08:42 kilometer 08:43 to their nearest pharmacy and but about 08:47 44 08:48 of our population in great britain is 08:50 within one kilometer of a pub or a gp 08:53 which probably says 08:55 something wonderful about british 08:56 society 08:58 um but of course this might then give us 09:01 an 09:01 idea of trying to understand well which 09:03 types of people which populations are 09:05 more or less 09:07 have greater exposure to some of these 09:10 facilities so if we take for example 09:13 fast food outlets as one of our examples 09:16 and we can look at the distance to a 09:17 nearest fast food out there 09:19 and we can split it by level of 09:21 deprivation 09:22 using the index for multiple deprivation 09:25 in this case we're just looking at 09:26 decimals so 09:27 10 equal bands for areas where one is 09:30 the most deprived areas and 10 are the 09:32 least deprived areas 09:34 actually those areas in the least 09:35 deprived decile are twice as far away 09:38 from their nearest 09:39 fast food outlet and compared to the 09:40 most deprived areas which might 09:42 try to help us to understand health 09:44 inequalities in particular 09:46 a lack of healthy access to foods in the 09:49 most deprived areas 09:50 that might go one way to explaining 09:53 social inequalities in obesity 09:57 our data might be useful for linking to 09:59 social surveys linking them 10:01 to kind of other data sets of 10:04 administrative data sets and we've 10:06 looked at this ourselves 10:07 trying to link our kind of overall index 10:09 as well as some of the 10:10 other indicators from the original 10:12 version of aha 10:14 and what we've found is that sometimes 10:16 there's associations of health and 10:18 sometimes they vary in what they're 10:19 associated to 10:20 so for example the overall index we 10:22 don't find 10:23 necessarily any association to an 10:25 individual's physical health 10:28 but we do find that areas and people who 10:30 live in areas with much 10:31 poorer have overall scores also have 10:34 poorer well-being at the same time 10:37 and we can start to split that out by 10:39 all of these specific indicators so when 10:41 we look at the environment domain people 10:43 who live in 10:44 areas that have less green space and or 10:47 poor air quality they also have poorer 10:49 physical health at the same time 10:51 this might be important for them trying 10:53 to elucidate the drivers and 10:55 determinants of health 10:57 amongst individuals but also amongst 10:59 areas at the same time 11:03 from a more applied local government 11:05 aspect it's been used by quite a few 11:07 local governments around 11:09 targeting areas and trying to understand 11:10 the state of inequalities in their local 11:13 environments 11:14 so for example the um tower hamlets 11:17 local authority we're using aha our 11:20 overall index to just to make a case for 11:23 how unhealthy most of the areas in their 11:25 local area 11:26 are and in particular saying that 11:29 majority of their population really live 11:31 in areas that classify as quite 11:33 poor on our heart index compared to 11:35 other london boroughs at the same time 11:38 and therefore trying to make that case 11:40 that they need to intervene in 11:42 environments 11:42 to try and change those to make them a 11:45 bit more positive 11:47 of course that could be the over that's 11:50 the overall index but also more specific 11:52 individual indicators that we've created 11:55 have also been used by many local 11:57 governments for example gloucestershire 11:58 who were using it to monitor air quality 12:01 and map that out to try and see which 12:03 population which 12:04 area have poorer air qualities and 12:08 higher air pollutants to try and make 12:11 that case again for why they need to 12:13 try and tackle these issues so some of 12:16 this data can be used for both for 12:17 monitoring 12:18 aspect as well as trying to understand 12:20 some of the issues facing their local 12:22 populations 12:25 so thanks mark that's uh it's great to 12:28 see 12:28 some examples of what what the index can 12:31 be used for 12:32 particularly in local authorities and it 12:34 it sounds though you're trying to 12:36 collect a huge amount of different data 12:37 together and to create 12:39 a relatively easy to use index 12:42 is that it's the easy to use aspect 12:45 something that the local authorities 12:46 have liked so it's allowed them to 12:48 actually 12:49 get grapple on this data 12:52 yeah i mean i think one of the biggest 12:55 issues we faced when we started talking 12:57 to local authorities about what they 12:59 might want 13:00 was that they don't necessarily always 13:02 have the technical and skills capacity 13:05 to generate these indicators themselves 13:07 so 13:08 for example um when we met with 13:10 liverpool city council they had all of 13:11 the data on the location of fast food 13:13 outlets they had the location 13:15 of gps they had a lot of that kind of 13:19 air quality 13:20 monitoring information but they didn't 13:22 necessarily have the kind of skills to 13:24 process it 13:25 for generating things like well how does 13:28 access to these features vary across 13:30 their local areas 13:31 so what they really benefited from was 13:33 actually was saying well we've got this 13:35 technical 13:36 setup that we could just generate these 13:37 data for what you need 13:40 um and making that openly available 13:43 allowed them 13:44 to kind of just use that there was no 13:46 barriers to it was very quick and easy 13:48 and of course we set out with you know 13:50 appropriate metadata to try and make it 13:52 clear what what is available as well 13:55 so was was there kind of input 13:58 quite important in terms of how you 14:00 constructed the index 14:02 as well in terms of what was important 14:04 and what wasn't 14:06 yeah so i mean we had public health 14:07 england as an advisory board but we also 14:09 talked to a few local authorities about 14:11 what they'd like to see in that 14:13 the set of indicators that we we've 14:15 created 14:16 and so we had a bit of input and you 14:18 know i think the biggest thing they said 14:20 was well 14:21 we just like to see a lot of these 14:22 indicators because we we simply don't 14:24 have the data 14:25 often and it's something we've always 14:28 been quite open about with our kind of 14:30 aha resources actually that 14:32 if there's something missing or people 14:33 want something creative that we probably 14:35 have the bandwidth to create it we've 14:37 got a lot of that technical 14:38 setup now so if people get in contact 14:40 and say hey we're 14:41 really interested in this issue well if 14:44 we can create it we will because 14:46 you know we like to think that we're a 14:48 good resource that um 14:50 at least matches what people think are 14:52 useful rather than 14:54 you know ourselves and that was also you 14:57 know that process around what was needed 14:59 was also supported by a kind of general 15:01 scoping review across the literature to 15:03 see what were 15:04 important aspects of environments to 15:06 measure so going from that evidence as 15:08 well as talking to stakeholder groups 15:12 yeah and if you're listening to this and 15:15 uh do want more information or do have 15:17 suggestions about improvements there 15:18 will be some contact details 15:20 below the video so please do get in 15:22 touch and 15:23 let us know what would be useful for you 15:26 as well 15:27 i think now might be a great time to go 15:29 into kind of how you constructed 15:31 the index a bit more because so far 15:34 we've got 15:34 uh there's a there's a huge amount of 15:36 data which you alluded to at the 15:37 beginning 15:38 but how do you kind of combine that into 15:41 the index that we've talked about 15:43 awesome okay so we'll go on to now 15:47 how we created what we did and what we 15:49 do have available 15:52 so what we kind of came up with is this 15:56 general framework 15:57 in that what was interesting is how do 16:00 we create an indicator and how do we do 16:01 that in 16:03 you know a fairly robust way 16:06 so for example we may let's take the 16:08 example that we 16:09 want to look at the travel time to your 16:12 nearest gp 16:13 for a local area so we identify that 16:16 particular indication that comes out of 16:18 the 16:19 process of talking to stakeholders as 16:21 well as that kind of literature review 16:23 process 16:25 what we do is then we try to access that 16:27 data and in case the gp 16:29 records we get them from nhs digital for 16:32 england wales 16:33 and then the national records of 16:35 scotland have their gp locations 16:38 for scotland and so we collect 16:41 information that has the location of all 16:44 gp 16:44 and surgeries their location 16:48 and then we also get hold of all 16:50 postcodes for 16:51 every area in great britain so 16:55 um talking about about 1.75 million 16:58 postcodes 16:59 and using those kind of two sets of 17:03 information so we have postcodes of 17:04 individuals and areas 17:06 we have postcodes of the kind of service 17:08 and gp 17:10 what we do is we do a very simple step 17:12 first we take for every postcode we draw 17:14 a little buffer around it 17:16 and then we say right we're just going 17:19 to focus on the nearest 10 17:21 gps within that buffer so we 17:24 we define an arbitrary distance and we 17:27 define an 17:28 arbitrary number of gps to look at and 17:30 but we do this first step 17:32 really because it saves on a lot of 17:34 computational next step 17:37 the next step then is once we've got our 17:39 kind of ten nearest 17:40 roughly nearest um gps is we use 17:44 something called routinu so routino is 17:47 an open source 17:48 piece of software that allows us to 17:49 calculate travel time from two points 17:53 and we supplied routino with the kind of 17:57 road network distances or public 17:59 pavements 18:00 as well from open street map which 18:03 allows routinely then to calculate using 18:05 a lot of information around 18:06 speeds and mode of transport in our case 18:10 we just use 18:11 car travel time and to work out 18:14 the time and distance to a nearest set 18:17 of other points in our case 18:18 from postcodes of individuals to um 18:22 postcodes of gps the reason we took 18:25 those kind of first step of 18:26 subsetting um the newest 10 gps is 18:31 because we could have done the nearest 18:32 travel time to all 18:34 gps but that would just take forever and 18:37 when whilst it's only 1.75 million 18:39 postcodes 18:40 it's taking really about eight hours 18:43 processing time 18:45 and to do the whole country and which is 18:47 quite a significant effort 18:49 really um even on our kind of more bps 18:52 servers 18:55 so what we do is we we calculate then we 18:57 we identify the nearest 19:00 gp and then we store that information so 19:02 for that each postcode of 19:05 um in great britain we have the travel 19:07 time and distance to its nearest general 19:10 practice 19:11 and then we take that information and we 19:14 aggregate those up to various different 19:16 geographical zones in our case we use 19:18 lower super output areas for england 19:20 whales and data zones for scotland so 19:22 they're roughly equivalent 19:24 all those data zones are slightly 19:26 smaller 19:27 and essentially we just take a median 19:28 value we take the the average 19:31 which then gives us a kind of summary at 19:34 that 19:36 that spatial scale and that was kind of 19:38 important because we could we can 19:40 i mean we could make the postcode 19:41 information available it is a controlled 19:43 data source by the cdrc 19:46 but it's not necessarily particularly 19:47 useful whereas partic 19:49 showing it at kind of a neighborhood 19:50 level it's a bit easier for people to 19:52 grasp and it's also the tends to be the 19:55 spatial scales that 19:56 local authorities are using so it's kind 19:58 of designed with our 19:59 stakeholders in mind 20:02 now now's probably a good time to 20:03 mention that when if you're new to using 20:06 gis data you will come across terms like 20:09 lsoa 20:10 and data zone and there's a whole suite 20:12 of different things 20:14 so if these are new to you do look them 20:16 up and there's various resources 20:17 available that explain 20:19 what they all are so was the the 20:21 selection of lsoas that was informed by 20:24 the 20:24 the local authorities that you worked 20:26 with to a degree 20:27 was that right mark yeah yeah is 20:29 basically that's what they said was the 20:32 most common statistical sort of 20:34 neighborhood zones that they were using 20:36 so it was to try and match what they 20:38 thought was useful 20:40 okay great great thank you okay 20:44 so we'll get back so what we did is we 20:47 did that sort of process for a series of 20:49 indicators 20:50 um and we kind of grouped them into 20:54 some general domains we'll come to the 20:56 domains in a minute 20:57 and so what we did is we calculated 20:59 distance to nearest fast food outlet 21:01 pub bar or nightclub gambling outlet 21:04 tobacconist off license and which we all 21:08 kind of 21:09 group them together as part of the 21:10 retail retail services essentially 21:14 we then looked at a series of health 21:15 services including gp surgeries 21:17 hospitals with a 21:18 e services dentists pharmacies we stuck 21:22 leisure centre and gym with those in 21:24 this kind of grouping of domains 21:25 simply because it was more of a positive 21:28 part of the environment they didn't seem 21:30 to fit 21:30 you know in the retail services there 21:32 were more negative aspects of health 21:36 we also um had an air quality series of 21:40 measures now with this we didn't 21:41 calculate distance and accessibility 21:43 because it really make any sense 21:45 rather we took some of the deferral 21:47 estimates on air pollutants and we just 21:49 calculated mean values based upon those 21:52 estimates for the same areas 21:54 we ended up picking three pollutants 21:57 sulfur dioxide particulate matter pm10 22:00 and nitrogen dioxide and because they 22:04 ended up being what we thought from the 22:05 literature were most important 22:07 and a lot of these pollutants are kind 22:09 of highly correlated so 22:11 we couldn't stick every one of them in 22:13 because it would cause a lot of issues 22:14 around multiculinarity 22:16 further down the line we then have a 22:19 final domain which we call the natural 22:21 environment which has a kind of mixture 22:22 of mean 22:23 and distance values we have mean value 22:26 of green space within an 800-meter 22:28 buffer of a postcode 22:29 which we just any amount of green space 22:31 which we kind of call the passive 22:33 passive role it's the green space 22:35 whereas you're moving through an area 22:37 that you might benefit from um 22:40 and then we have a series of distance to 22:42 nearest measures including distance to 22:44 nearest green space 22:45 but being a bit more narrow active 22:47 places that you might be going to parks 22:49 grasslands might be going for a run or 22:51 to meet 22:51 friends actually it's really about 22:53 engaging with it rather than say walking 22:55 through a leafy 22:56 suburb and also blue space lakes rivers 23:00 and all the sea 23:03 so we we generate quite a lot of these 23:05 measures again based upon what 23:06 stakeholders suggested 23:08 and and also from the literature 23:11 so we have a series of indicators and we 23:13 group them into these kind of four 23:15 domains 23:16 and this is where we start to get 23:17 involved in the kind of 23:18 multi-dimensional index creation which 23:21 will be covered 23:22 in the second part of the video in a bit 23:24 more detail 23:25 so what we do is we take all of the 23:26 indicators for example in the retail 23:28 domain 23:29 we standardize them across the whole so 23:31 they're all kind of on the same 23:33 plate level level playing field and then 23:36 we take a kind of average value 23:37 essentially which we call our retail 23:39 average domain score we do that for each 23:43 of the four domains 23:44 and then again we aggregate them up so 23:46 we kind of standardize them 23:48 and then take an average score which 23:49 becomes our overall index 23:51 uh which we call the aha index and 23:54 that's how we get from kind of producing 23:56 these 23:56 wonderful diverse indicators towards 23:58 getting an overall 24:00 measure of how um kind of what the 24:02 environment is like across these kind of 24:04 four concepts 24:08 and and all of that data we've come 24:10 we've made it all openly available 24:11 so the code is available somewhere on 24:13 github for reproducing it 24:15 but we also have an interactive mapping 24:16 resource which allows you to engage with 24:18 that data directly 24:20 on the cdrc website and also you can 24:22 download the raw data 24:24 and for all versions of aha through the 24:26 cdrc website as well 24:28 and just to give you a kind of a flavor 24:31 of what that looks like nick has asked 24:33 me to to 24:34 give a kind of um a trial of the new 24:37 maps 24:38 uh website which isn't currently live as 24:40 we record this video so you're getting 24:41 something new and exciting in africa 24:45 um but just to kind of give you an 24:49 idea of what um it looks like 24:54 so so this is the um the cdrc 24:57 maps website which will be the new 24:59 incarnation the old one 25:01 it looks pretty similar but um has less 25:04 functionality 25:06 and but it allows you to kind of get a 25:08 qualm of a kind of general sense to 25:09 interact with that 25:10 that resource in one go and we've got 25:13 the aha data a lot 25:15 loaded in at the minute um and we can 25:18 just much like google maps zoom in zoom 25:20 out to areas 25:23 and it sometimes takes a minute to kind 25:25 of load in 25:26 aspects because it's got a lot of 25:28 information out of data kind of being 25:29 processed 25:30 we can have a look at the boundaries for 25:32 regions government regions we can add in 25:35 local authorities we can add in even the 25:37 buildings if we want as well 25:39 and it gives us a bit more of a way of 25:42 interacting with this 25:43 this data set and and again you can just 25:47 download all these data and create these 25:48 maps yourself it's all there to be 25:50 um to you be used but what we found is 25:53 this really works 25:54 kind of getting the public involved and 25:56 actually i really like this more 25:57 interactive mapping 25:58 aspect um because it makes it a bit more 26:01 real 26:02 and certainly those more public users 26:04 who've 26:05 emailed me about the excel and csv files 26:08 we provide for the raw data they really 26:10 struggle with that because it's 26:11 not necessarily set up quite as uh 26:14 helpfully 26:16 so in this case what we're doing is 26:17 we're looking at liverpool which 26:19 is where i'm based and we're looking at 26:22 our overall 26:22 aha index and it has on the right hand 26:26 side it has the kind of 26:27 legend which tells you in this case 26:29 we're looking at deciles where the blue 26:30 values 26:31 are and doing very well at least healthy 26:34 environments and the red are worse 26:35 performing so these are the poorer 26:38 environments 26:39 and i think what really struck us when 26:41 we created this initially because we 26:42 wasn't sure 26:44 um you always kind of when you create 26:46 something you're not sure whether it 26:47 will 26:47 tell you anything of value and but at 26:50 least seems to pick up things that we 26:51 might expect make sense in liverpool you 26:54 see a lot of red clustered around the 26:55 city center area 26:57 and that's this you know there's a lot 26:59 of kind of retail opportunities there 27:01 there's generally very few gpa 27:03 services there's no green space well 27:06 there's very little green space 27:08 so that's why that's going to come up as 27:10 bad but also it 27:12 picks up really subtle and inequalities 27:14 by space as well 27:16 so you can see that red kind of 27:17 continues north of the city centre 27:20 and also out east and these are more 27:22 deprived areas that tend to have 27:24 greater concentration of some of the 27:27 unhealthy retail aspects 27:29 and as well as kind of poor access to 27:31 health services sometimes and also poor 27:33 access to green space 27:35 but you can see it also picks up nice 27:37 parts in kind of south liverpool around 27:39 sefton park around chilled wall 27:41 so it's still picking up a kind of um 27:44 it's not just treating cities as the 27:45 same it's picking up quite a lot of 27:46 variants in the types of environments 27:48 and neighborhoods 27:50 people are exposed to 27:54 um is there anything you'd like to add 27:58 to that nick 27:59 yeah it's really fascinating to see and 28:02 it's it's great 28:03 um you know and i'd really recommend 28:05 that everybody do this if 28:07 if you are based in the uk there's an 28:09 area you know have a look at the map for 28:10 where you're based 28:11 and does that match your expectations 28:14 because you you have 28:15 often kind of knowledge about your local 28:16 area where's the more deprived areas and 28:19 less deprived and so on 28:20 um one thing i think it might be worth 28:22 adding is we can dive into the 28:24 individual domains 28:25 as well so the four different sections 28:28 and we can do that on the the maps site 28:30 i think um we can we saw the 28:33 the scores listed but you can pull up 28:35 the maps for each domain as well 28:37 um in terms of how it's actually used do 28:40 the 28:41 the people who've used the data so far 28:43 are they generally using the overall 28:45 index 28:45 or one of the four domains for the the 28:47 kind of work that they're doing 28:50 we kind of got mixed so we've got quite 28:52 a few people like that overall indicator 28:55 and because it's it's something that's 28:57 quotable or is something that's a bit 28:59 more 28:59 simple to present and what we find 29:02 though is also people 29:03 like to just focus on a specific 29:05 indicator so they'll just look at the 29:07 accessibility to fast food outlets for 29:09 example 29:10 because that's their specific focus 29:12 they're not interested in the other 29:13 aspects of this 29:15 and i think that flexibility and what 29:17 people can use it for is actually quite 29:18 useful 29:19 and and it's not just about here's one 29:23 indicator of how we think the world 29:24 works go and use it actually 29:27 because we make it all openly available 29:29 the inputs the outputs 29:31 we want people to use in however way 29:33 fits with what they need and you know 29:35 it's also 29:36 since the code's there it's more open 29:38 for people to 29:39 take it take it apart rebuild it and say 29:41 actually we think it's slightly better 29:43 at looking like this 29:45 and that competition is always good good 29:46 to have to be honest 29:48 yeah it's great to have that flexibility 29:51 so we have 29:52 the kind of top level index overall and 29:54 then we have the four 29:55 domains and then we have the individual 29:58 indicators as well 29:59 and are they all on the map site they're 30:02 all available 30:03 to download and they're all on the map 30:05 site as well so you can have a look at 30:07 fast food outlet accessibility you can 30:09 look at the pollution 30:11 all of that is on the map's um website 30:13 as well and 30:14 and that's where we've got a lot of 30:15 leverage from from the public 30:17 in particular who really like to just 30:19 click through and look at all of these 30:20 different aspects 30:22 and and they found it really interesting 30:25 actually 30:26 not just looking at that overall index 30:28 but actually just looking at specific 30:29 features of their environments and 30:31 trying to see 30:32 what are the local issues in my in my 30:34 area 30:35 and that strikes me it's a really 30:37 powerful tool 30:38 the the index itself but also the 30:40 visualization 30:42 so it's it's not just having the data 30:44 itself but it's being able to show 30:46 the stakeholders or whoever might be 30:48 interested this is a specific 30:50 uh indicator and these are some of the 30:52 issues we we need to 30:54 deal with at a local level or we need to 30:55 address yeah it makes the data more real 30:58 and i think the stereotype of a 31:00 geographer is 31:01 like we like to map everything but 31:03 there's a reason for that and that's 31:04 because 31:05 it's such an easy and intuitive way of 31:07 visualizing and sensing the world 31:10 and that kind of the classic the picture 31:13 can tell 31:13 a thousand words speaks volumes and maps 31:16 i 31:17 oh yes definitely yeah no i i definitely 31:20 agree with that i'm biased because i'm 31:21 also a geographer 31:22 uh but i i'd really emphasize that and 31:25 the 31:26 the power of showing data on a map is 31:28 really really useful 31:30 and there's lots of resources out there 31:32 if you've got 31:33 your own data there or stuff you want to 31:35 show on that yourself so please do check 31:37 that out as well 31:39 that's no that's that's great that's a 31:41 wonderful demo and uh great to see the 31:43 the new maps site in action 31:45 um i think the kind of last chunk it 31:47 would be good to look at now is what 31:49 what are kind of some of the strengths 31:50 and the weaknesses 31:51 of the the our heart index um because 31:54 we've heard 31:55 quite a lot of the uses um but there's 31:57 always 31:58 you know limitations with this so could 32:00 you tell us a little bit about those two 32:01 please 32:02 yeah sure okay so the final thing we'll 32:05 talk about is some of the strengths and 32:06 weaknesses 32:07 of this resource so i think 32:10 as a general strength it i think the 32:13 commitment to open source is 32:14 very important because it removes a lot 32:16 of those barriers 32:18 and it makes that data openly available 32:20 it's there for people to use and however 32:23 they might want to use it and again we 32:24 use 32:25 the inputs it's the indicators it's the 32:27 domain scores everything is openly 32:29 available and people can use what they 32:30 need they're not just 32:31 limited to one thing we have the 32:34 wonderful mapping resource which i think 32:36 is brilliant it just makes that 32:37 so much easier to engage with and you 32:40 can have a quick look at 32:42 kind of issues in your local area and 32:43 then download the data from more deeper 32:45 analysis 32:46 if you wanted to but it doesn't 32:48 associate any kind of technical 32:50 expertise 32:51 um and we don't think that you know we 32:54 have such a range of indicators on there 32:56 now that there's very few of the tools 32:58 that have such a 32:59 range of free open source um kind of 33:02 measures of healthy environments so we 33:04 think it's probably the most 33:05 comprehensive in great britain which is 33:07 is good and of course as i alluded to 33:10 before if there's stuff that you think 33:11 is missing from there where we've got 33:12 all of these methods 33:13 the infrastructure the technical 33:15 abilities it's all set up now 33:17 so we'd love to hear from you of 33:18 anything you'd like to see included and 33:20 you know 33:21 i think it's important that you know 33:23 it's not just what we think should go in 33:24 there it's more of an interactive 33:26 process 33:29 now i think the weaknesses really fall 33:31 into kind of two main areas and one of 33:33 them is around kind of technical issues 33:34 which i'll come to in a moment 33:36 the other one is around framing of this 33:39 and one of those kind of framing issues 33:40 is well 33:41 what do you really mean when you create 33:42 an overall indicator and what does that 33:44 actually mean 33:45 so if you've gotten a high score of 20 33:48 versus 23 33:50 what does that really mean and and 33:52 that's a it's a problem because 33:54 the actual index doesn't really have any 33:56 necessary meaning it has 33:58 the kind of variation matters so having 34:00 a high score versus a low score then 34:02 there's some value in that 34:04 because you're saying well this area is 34:06 better or worse than that area 34:08 but those kind of specific around how do 34:11 you interpret any of the numbers or the 34:13 ranks 34:14 and can be problematic 34:18 um there's a big difference between kind 34:20 of urban and rural areas and often this 34:22 is something we get a lot of discussion 34:24 around in that 34:25 our index sort of shows the rural areas 34:27 to be not always as healthy as we might 34:29 assume them to be 34:31 and often people say well they're really 34:33 green they're really 34:34 low air quality so surely they should be 34:36 quite healthy but 34:38 because obviously on our index they're 34:39 also located far away from 34:41 health services and often a lot of that 34:44 green space is just not simply 34:46 accessible and there's one thing about 34:48 living next to a 34:49 you know it's really nice to live next 34:50 to a farmer's field but you can't 34:52 necessarily go and engage with it you 34:54 can probably look at it and benefit 34:55 passively but not necessarily actively 34:58 um 34:59 but i think you know it's really about 35:00 opening up these discussions about what 35:02 do we value 35:04 um for health and environments really 35:08 a lot of discussion we get and this is 35:10 from doing a lot of the outreach of a 35:12 work with aha is that it's just not imd 35:14 it doesn't look exactly the same as the 35:16 index of multiple deprivation 35:18 which i kind of thought i put ground 35:20 there is because 35:21 we didn't set out to create the index 35:23 multiple deprivation because it already 35:25 exists 35:25 we set out to create something different 35:28 and 35:29 and so you know we shouldn't always 35:31 assume that these things are all 35:32 in linearly related um 35:35 but you know when you've got one measure 35:37 that kind of dominates things people 35:38 just 35:39 they like one index i think 35:42 once we so there's a lot to be said for 35:46 you know there there being one index uh 35:48 to measure 35:50 uh deprivation but we we need to 35:52 remember that 35:53 it's often kind of multifaceted so 35:55 there's lots of things 35:57 going on and you know the index of 36:00 multiple deprivation is a great resource 36:02 and it gets a lot of coverage 36:04 um but it's only measuring certain 36:06 aspects 36:08 and you know it's 36:11 trying to get that balance between how 36:13 much detail do we go into and how 36:15 easy to use do we make it and it is 36:17 often a kind of 36:19 uh tension between the two because we 36:21 can't 36:22 you know the world is not simple there 36:24 are these complexities in it there are 36:26 these kind of variations 36:28 uh that we have to take into account um 36:31 but it's trying to get that balance so 36:33 you know you probably use the imd 36:35 already 36:36 but this resource is different but you 36:39 can use them together 36:42 yeah and actually it's really 36:43 interesting when you look at the 36:45 interaction between the two measures and 36:46 you're looking at deprived areas that 36:48 have good and bad environments and 36:50 seeing 36:50 well does that influence differences in 36:53 health 36:56 um we have quite a large range of 36:58 measures but of course there might be 36:59 stuff that's missing 37:01 and from there as we discussed and we've 37:03 tried to be as comprehensive as possible 37:05 but the stuff that we kind of 37:06 miss out i think and of course it is 37:09 it's a descriptive tool it's just an 37:11 indicator 37:12 that measuring environments it's not 37:14 saying these environments are definitely 37:15 causing 37:16 bad health it's more saying well how do 37:18 we measure these environments to 37:19 actually look at how important they are 37:21 to to health really 37:26 some of the technical problems of it 37:28 well we i think 37:30 the biggest issue really comes down the 37:31 selection of weightings and how you 37:33 weight 37:34 the indicators and the domains now we 37:36 went about this by just rating them 37:38 equally so we treat the retail domain 37:40 the health domain the air quality 37:42 area air quality and the green space 37:44 domains it's just equal they are 37:46 the same we say they have the overall 37:48 same influence on overall indicator 37:51 but we've had quite a lot of criticism 37:52 about that saying well the retail domain 37:54 doesn't necessarily 37:55 influence health as much as the health 37:57 domain and 37:59 some things might be more or less 38:00 important the issue with that is that 38:03 there is no 38:04 evidence or nobody knows which is most 38:07 important and how we should weight them 38:08 and so 38:09 any waiting is kind of going to be 38:11 biased and unfair 38:13 and so we kept it as even 38:16 just simply because that was you know 38:18 the the fairest way we didn't have any 38:21 reasoning to to change the weightings 38:23 now 38:24 like i say we make all of the data 38:26 openly available so we're all 38:27 for people re-weighting it however they 38:29 want to and using it in the ways that 38:30 they want to 38:32 um to do yeah that that that's a great 38:35 point and we'll pick some of that up in 38:37 the practical sessions 38:39 so when you get to that point in the 38:40 practical you have the option of 38:43 rewaiting and we'll say a little bit 38:44 more about that in the next video as 38:46 well 38:48 and there's some general issues and that 38:50 maybe we don't provide 38:51 uncertainty of estimates and we're just 38:53 providing a point estimate maybe people 38:55 want error bars 38:57 on these things and we only have two 38:59 time periods at the minute 2016 2017 39:01 we're about to update to the most recent 39:04 um period of data we have one of the 39:06 issues is we can't go backwards we can 39:07 only go forwards which is a bit 39:09 difficult because if you want to link it 39:11 to historical data which is where it's 39:13 really interesting if you've got 10 39:14 years worth of data 39:15 that would be fascinating we just can't 39:17 do it at the minute we don't have the 39:19 data going further back which is 39:21 there's a problem one question we've 39:24 always wondered about the timeframes can 39:25 you do 39:26 comparisons so can you look at the data 39:28 in 2016 and in the same area in 2017 and 39:31 say 39:31 it's changed to get better or worse you 39:34 can 39:35 we did make some revisions to the 39:37 overall index so 39:38 we've increased the number of indicators 39:41 from 2016 data 2017 39:43 so you'd have to be careful in what 39:45 might be a change because of the 39:47 environment changing and what might be 39:48 because of 39:49 the changes in that methodology so we do 39:52 offer some caution to those kind of 39:54 comparisons 39:55 however um we are you know looking we're 39:58 not looking to make any revisions going 40:00 forward so in theory should be a bit 40:02 more stable 40:03 and some of those changes came out 40:05 discussions with public health england 40:07 after 40:07 the first release of our indicator 40:12 and i think the last comment i'll make 40:14 is really you know 40:15 all we're looking at is accessibility to 40:18 certain services 40:20 but it might not necessarily always be 40:21 the best way of looking at environments 40:23 it might be that we want to 40:25 look at the density of places it's not 40:27 just that you're 40:28 less than one kilometer away from fast 40:30 food out there it's that 40:32 you live in an area with 20 of them very 40:35 close proximity and actually that might 40:37 matter more 40:38 so how we try and measure environments 40:40 might 40:41 influence you know how we view the world 40:44 and how 40:44 we kind of get handled around these 40:46 health inequalities and we're only 40:47 really offering 40:48 one aspect of that we just kept it 40:50 simple and consistent 40:56 okay so that's really the end of of what 40:59 i was going to present on today and like 41:02 i say all of that data 41:03 is available openly and freely via the 41:06 maps website and you can be downloaded 41:08 from there as well 41:10 and we hope that you know it's a really 41:12 useful tool that can give a kind of very 41:14 detailed sense of small area issues 41:16 around healthy environments 41:18 and if you want any more further reading 41:20 around the kind of tall aha and the 41:22 resource 41:23 and there's three really nice papers 41:25 come out and 41:26 so we have one in health and place which 41:28 is open access 41:30 and which is really a technical details 41:32 around creating this multi-dimensional 41:34 index 41:35 so it goes through a lot of those more 41:36 technical details but also has that it 41:39 links to the social survey data 41:41 as well to see how useful it might be we 41:44 have a paper in scientific data 41:46 which really kind of trusts the the 41:48 whole of the resource 41:49 and goes through what we've created some 41:52 of it about how we created some of these 41:53 individual indicators as well 41:56 and we also have a kind of free um short 41:59 technical report that kind of goes over 42:01 data sources how they're created 42:03 which is a good kind of um thing to 42:05 refer to whenever you're using 42:07 the resource so thank you very much for 42:10 listening 42:10 and i'll hand it back to um nick 42:15 great wonderful thank you very much mark 42:17 that was uh you know 42:18 it's great to get a good overview of the 42:20 uh har index and 42:22 uh a few of the details of how people 42:25 are using it 42:26 uh but also the different components and 42:28 what we might be able to do with it in 42:30 the future 42:31 so there's so much potential there and i 42:34 really would uh recommend everyone to 42:36 certainly have a look at the maps 42:37 website have an explore and try 42:39 downloading the data 42:40 uh yourself and in the the practical 42:43 session that follows this we'll be 42:45 doing that so we'll be doing that in our 42:47 studio 42:48 um and creating some maps and giving you 42:50 the tools to actually 42:52 play about and explore so so please do 42:55 do that and do let us know how you get 42:57 on there's options to leave comments so 42:59 please do 43:00 and if you've got any thoughts or 43:01 questions please do drop the line 43:03 and we will do our best to answer them 43:08 wonderful thank you very much everyone 43:10 and i hope you enjoyed the 43:12 the session um i would recommend that 43:16 you also have a look at the 43:17 the second video in due course uh we'll 43:19 delve a bit more into the 43:21 method there so how we actually create 43:23 the multi-dimensional 43:25 um and how we can make some of those 43:27 changes so we'll talk a bit more about 43:29 the weightings we'll talk a bit more 43:30 about 43:31 how we combine the different domains and 43:33 why we fix that and data 43:34 and so on so there's lots more uh 43:37 interesting stuff in that 43:38 so we will see you in the next video 43:41 take care 43:47 goodbye